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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 12/13

So when I use Latisse tonight it will be night 13.  I normally do not post back to back but I wanted to give you guys an update! My eyes are NOT hurting, stinging, itchy, broken out in a rash or developed the dark line the paperwork says is a VERY RARE side effect! My mom has not has ANY side effects (lucky thing) and she even has an auto-immune disease! I have to say though when I wake up my eyes are really dry. They feel like they need visine in them or something but I'm afraid the tears from it will wash away the med, LOL! It only last for an hour or so soon as I get up from bed in the morning and them everything is back to normal! So, will I keep using Latisse, OF COURSE!!!!
I'm just so excited for my end results! Thanks http://www.atlantadermatologye​xperts.com/

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