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Friday, October 21, 2011

3 months or A Realization!

Well, Monday the 24th, I go in for my three month follow up and pick up my last Latisse kit. Bittersweet for me! In the beginning I was one of those skeptical ones that read the magazine ads and watched the television commercials and thought, "ALLERGAN [the manufacturer] is going to make a killing off a bunch of women that are desperate to conform to social pressure! The FDA has approved yet another drug but what will the results really be other than millions of dollars lost." I've never said that out loud, until now. I can do that because I was proven 100% wrong! This medication helps women AND men that have lost lashes due to cancer treatments. This drug helps women AND men that suffer from alopecia and  hypotrichosis.
I know first hand that it makes your lashes grow longer, thicker and darker. I feel very fortunate that Atlanta Dermatology and Laser Surgery has given me the opportunity to try this remarkable medication. It can be and will be life changing for those that have to use it for medical purposes. I happen to be an insanely lucky person w/ my lashes getting tangled together. Just Thursday night I met a lady that was finishing up chemo and radiation. She had not a hair on her body. Not her head, her eyebrows or her eye lashes. She had recently heard about Latisse and was about to purchase her first kit. She literally told me, "I can't wait to feel feminine again and be able to bat my lashes."
So this blog is a thank you not only to Dr. Cooper's wonderful office and staff but to ALLERGAN. Thank you for making a product that will help so many patients get back there normalcy. Something the rest of "us" take for granted.
I am truly in awe of the results I have gotten in just 90 days! If you have any questions about Latisse or any of the products that Dr. Cooper's office provides, then check out there website.  http://www.atlantadermatologyexperts.com/              

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