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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Month 4

Well, a month overdue but I'm back! I am just now finishing up my fourth month of Latisse and the results have been better than I could have ever imagined. I actually went from having NO lashes on my lower lid to have full, lush lower lashes and that's not to mention how long and thick BOTH the top and bottom lids lashes have become. I am no longer self-conscience about not wearing mascara! The amount of compliments and the amount of questions I have received about my lashes would astonish you. The stories people have told me after I said that I was using Latisse were astounding. The one that sticks out in my mind the most was a lady that asked me what type of false lashes I used. I was wearing mascara that day at the pharmacy and we were both standing in line. She had no hair upon her head and VERY sparse eyebrows and lashes. She had cancer. The chemo and radiation were ravaging her while at the same time healing her. She was emotionally traumatized by her physical appearance, though I found her strikingly beautiful and brave. She had ordered a wig but thought that false lashes were her only option until I told her about Latisse. She was so excited after I shared my experience and results she was going THAT VERY DAY to buy her first kit! I have yet to see her again but I wish her the best and hope she knows she is beautiful the way she is! Latisse she said, before our first and only meeting, would give her the confidence boost she so desperately needed.
I have to thank http://atlantadermatologyexperts.com/ and their amazing staff. I appreciate this opportunity more than they know.
If you have any questions about Latisse or any of their other products or procedures give them a call at 404-296-8000 and Dr. Cooper's staff will answer any questions you have!